<music> % Theme to "Fire Breathers", a homebrew NES game under development. Composed % by Urpo Lankinen.
% Note: The composer has made available the following source code to % the Wikipedia article under GFDL license. Other versions of this song, % which are available outside Wikipedia and its GFDL-permitted % mirrors/derivants, are typically under CC BY-SA license.
% The version directive identifies the Lilypond syntax version. % This particular source file works in Lilypond 2.2.x. % Typically, there are large changes in syntax (usually for better!) % between the major releases. % The convert-ly program can be used to automatically transform the source % code to most recent version. \version "2.2.0"
% This library file makes Lilypond use the Finnish note names % (for example, where Americans use "F#" and "Bb", Finns use % "Fis" and "B"). Danish note names are used by default. Other % national conventions are supported! \include ""
% The header part is used to control the texts added to the final output. \header {
title = "Theme to ``Fire Breathers!" instrument = "For the 2A03 or SID" composer = "Urpo Lankinen" enteredby = "Urpo Lankinen" date = "June 2004"
% Here is the main melody. The character | is used for a bar check; % it's also a convenient way to display where the bars are. As you can see, % the notes are simply entered with their real names, followed by number that % shows their length. The note can have ' or , in it, meaning a leap % of octave up or down. (This tune uses relative note entry mode, which % you can also explicitly note each note's octave, for example, % c' is middle C.) As expected, a period adds a . to the note. % Parentheses show start and end of slurs, brackets show start and end % of 8th-note beams. (The beaming can be done automatically too!) % Notes are tied with ~. The "r" note is a rest. (and "h" is "b" in English.)
Melody = \notes \relative c {
\clef treble \time 3/4 \key a \minor
% The piece starts with a quarter-note partial bar, "\partial 4" % tells so to Lilypond. \partial 4 a4 | e'4.( d8[ c]) r8 | d4.( c8[ h]) r8 | a2. | e2 a4 | e'4.( d8[ c]) r8 | d4.( e8[ f]) r8 | e2. | r2 e4 | f4.( e8[ d]) r8 | d4.( c8[ h]) r8 | a2. | e2 a4 | e'4.( d8[ c]) r8 | d4.( c8[ h]) r8 | a2. ~ a2 r4 | \bar "|."
% This is the second voice.
SecondVoice = \notes \relative c {
\clef bass \time 3/4 \key a \minor
\partial 4 r4 | e2. | d2. | a2. | e2 a4 | e'2. | d2 f4 | e2. | r2. | f2. | d2. | a2. | e2 a4 | e'2. | d2 h4 | a2. ~ a2 r4 | \bar "|."
% And now for something really cool...
% You can write a lot of different kinds of things easily - melodies,
% lyrics, chords, everything. The interesting bit is that they can
% always be *reused* elsewhere! Here, I define three different
% accompaniment patterns, then use them throughout the accompaniment
% melody.
AccompA = \notes \relative c { a4 e'8 a, e' a, | } AccompB = \notes \relative c { g4 d'8 g, d' g, | } AccompC = \notes \relative c { e,4 h'8 e, h' e, | }
Accompaniment = \notes \relative c {
\clef bass \time 3/4 \key a \minor
\partial 4 r4 | \AccompA \AccompB \AccompA \AccompA \AccompA \AccompB \AccompA \AccompA \AccompC \AccompC \AccompA \AccompA \AccompA \AccompB \AccompA | a2 r4 | \bar "|."
% Finally, there is the score block. The score block is used to
% define what is actually present in the composition, and how is it
% going to be printed. Here, we define three simultaneous staffs,
% for melody, accompaniment and the second voice.
% The score will be printed on paper, without the first line getting indented
% (since there is no instrument names, we don't want the space).
% We also wish to produce a MIDI output, using metronome tempo of
% 120 quarters per minute. (Note that this isn't noted anywhere on the
% paper - you need separate commands to add that to the score.)
\score {
<< \new Staff \Melody \new Staff \Accompaniment \new Staff \SecondVoice >> \paper { indent = 0 } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 }
} </music>